Hello 👋🏼 I'm Juan Pablo

I'm an industrial engineer, and web development student at Platzi.
Currently living in Santiago, Chile.
My interests range from sustainability to technology. I also study innovation, entrepreneurship, and social impact.

Stay in touch via LinkedIn or Twitter.

Work and Projects🧩

Rindegastos logo
App development projects, integrating new functionalities, improving its performance and UX. Implementation of policies and procedures related to quality tests.
@rindegastos #MobileDevelopment #SaaS
Picnic delivery partner
Prepare shipments of product containers from the DC. Picnic is competitive and sustainable. Its software is leading a revolution in groceries.
@picnic #SustainableLogistics #Tech
Bitha e-commerce
Build the first e-commerce store.
Cooperation in the digital marketing strategy.
@bithatienda #LocalDesign #LocalManufacturing


Code Editors

  1. Visual Studio Code [VS Code]
  2. Sublime Text
  3. Atom
  4. Brackets
  5. Vim

Youtube Channels

  1. Travesy Media
  2. FreeCodeCamp
  3. The Net Ninja
  4. Google Chrome Developers
  5. The New Boston
  6. Derek Banas
  7. Academind


  1. Syntax
  2. Fullstack radio
  3. The Changelog
  4. The Laracasts Snippet
  5. Front End Happy Hour
  6. JavaScript Jabber Archives
  7. Commit Your Code!
  8. Shop Talk
  9. Ladybug Podcast
  10. CodePen Radio
  11. JAMStack Radio
  12. Modern web

Open Photos

  1. Unsplash
  2. Pixabay
  3. Pexels

Animation Libraries

  1. CSShake
  2. Animate.css
  3. AnimeJS
  4. GreenSock (GSAP)
  5. Magic Animations
  6. Hover css
  7. AniJS
  8. Wicked CSS
  9. Tuesday
  10. Mo.js
  11. Bounce.js

Extensions for Chrome

  1. Web Developer
  2. CSSViewer
  3. Wappalyzer
  4. JSONView
  5. Lorem Ipsum Generator